Saturday, November 14, 2009

what is the secret to success?

Sounds about right to me...
(I love you babe!)

Posted by Jud Wilhite (Deadly Viper Blog):

We live in a culture obsessed with success.

A CEO of a Fortune 500 company pulled into a service station to get gas. He went inside to pay and when he came out he noticed his wife engaged in a deep discussion with the service attendant. It turned out that she knew him. It fact back in high school before she met her eventual husband, she used to date him. The CEO got in the car and drove off and said, “I bet I know what you were thinking back there. I bet you were thinking you’re glad you married a Fortune 500 CEO and not a service attendant.” “No,” she said, “I was thinking if I’d married him, He’d be a fortune 500 CEO and you’d be a service attendant.” There are lots of opinions on how to be successful.

I don’t know about you … but I don’t know where I’d be without my wife.

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