Friday, October 31, 2008

Serving Part 3

In this post I will introduce two additional areas (our experiences and our abilities) that help us determine the place where we can make the greatest impact when it comes to serving. This post is a little shorter, but still important in discovering our service within the local church.

Our experiences and abilities have a tremendous impact in determining how God has uniquely designed each of us and how He wants to use us.

As we think about our experiences in life it is often easy to see how the high points of our lives have equipped us to serve God. But it can be harder at times to see how our experiences of failure, sin, betrayal, or violation can be fruitful when we surrender them to God. It is in times like these that we all need to embrace our experiences, both positive and painful, and allow God to use them to shape us so as to fulfill his purpose.

Just as our experiences play a role in determining how God wants to use us, so do our natural abilities. An ability is a natural or acquired skill or talent. God wants to use you and the abilities He has given you to touch the life or the lives of others.

God uses both our experiences and abilities to touch the world around us.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Serving Part 2

Just as we have been gifted to serve, we've also been given a passion (or a heart) to serve in a certain area. If we were to define our Heart when it comes to serving we would say...

Heart is the God-given desire that compels us to make a difference in a particular ministry.

Just as our Spiritual Gift(s) help us understand WHAT we should be doing, our heart or passion helps you know WHERE to serve; it gives you direction. It gives you motivation and energy to serve in a particular area of ministry. Identifying and articulating your Heart is an ongoing process. Some people know and understand their passion while some struggle with understanding the passion God has given them.

What is that thing inside of you that makes you stay awake at night? What is that thing that stirs the emotion of change from within? God has given you a passion. He wants to use your giftedness and passions to do amazing things. How has God shaped your heart? What do you love to do?

Everyone has a heart that is passionate about something.
What are you passionate about?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Serving Part 1

I have the ongoing opportunity to teach a course on Serving at Jersey Baptist Church (Columbus, OH). As a staff we decided to help our members gain a better understanding of how God has uniquely gifted them as well as help them find a meaningful place of service at Jersey.

Over the next few posts I am going to flesh out some thoughts and ideas on serving within the body of Christ. Some of the information is taken from the Network (Willow Creek) and SHAPE (Saddleback Church) studies.

Comments and questions are welcome.

Serving Part 1...
The goal of our Serving with Joy course is to help believers to be fruitful and fulfilled in a meaningful place of service.

In Galatians 5:13 we read:
You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to
indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.

The word serve is a command. That means serving for the believer is not an option.
For far too long there have been too many that sit on the sidelines and watch what is happening. God intends for every believer to play a part in something bigger than ourselves. The impact we can make if we are willing to step on the field will reap eternal rewards. we have been called and gifted to make a difference in this world.

The purpose for serving in the church is to do two things...
Glorify God and Edify others.

What are Spiritual Gifts. We could spend weeks on this, but in short...
Spiritual Gifts are special abilities distributed by the Holy Spirit to every believer according to God's design and grace. Spiritual Gifts are given for the common good of the body of Christ.

All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines. (1 Corinthians 12:11)

Spiritual Gifts help us answer the what question as it relates to serving.

How has God gifted you?

In my next post we will explore the Passion(s) God has given each of us.

Friday, October 10, 2008


As the events of our world continue to unfold it leaves many clinging to very little. We have watched the economy and its continued decline. Are gas prices finally receding or will we again sit helpless if prices increase? We watch leaders from other nations fail and we continue to question our leaders at home. Who will lead this nation over the next four years and can we trust what they say? Will it get better or will it get worse? In the midst of this uncertainty many people wonder if we will find light at the end of this darkness. To trust and hope are seemingly foreign thoughts, yet many still ask…Who should we trust? Where do we find hope? And it would appear as if those would be questions without answers if it weren’t for one thing…There is a Creator and He cares about what is happening; not only in our world, but in our individual lives as well. So when I hear those with failing hope I am reminded of one thing…

My hope is built on nothing less, Than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ the solid rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand.

Where have you placed your hope?