Ed Young Jr. wrote the following as his church (Fellowship Church) prepares for Christmas this year...
Christmas is s big deal. That may seem like an obvious statement, but not for the reason many might think. Yes, it's a big deal in our culture—it's the centerpiece of the winter holiday season. Yes, it's a big deal for retailers—it's when they typically go from red to black in their financial forecasts. Yes, it's a big deal for kids—they wait with bated breath for the arrival of Santa and Christmas morning. And yes, it's a big deal for families—when loved ones get to spend lots of quality time together (for better or for worse).
Christmas is the new Easter in the church today. The poinsettia and lily crowd is becoming just the poinsettia crowd. For one reason or another, people who give church just a passing glance all year long will brave the elements and attend a Christmas service. They might get warm fuzzies about “peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” They may have nostalgic memories of attending Christmas services as children and hearing the story of that special baby born in a manger. Whatever the reason, they will come.
My prayer is that, when they do, I will be ready and you will be ready to introduce them to the Savior. When they step into our Christmas services this week, we need to prepare their hearts for Christ to step in and rearrange their lives. That's why it's so important that our message at Christmas doesn't stop with the traditional story of Christmas. You can't talk about the Christmas story without talking about the Easter story. In reality, it's all one message. Christ was born to die. He was destined to step into time and space as a baby so He could walk that long road to the cross as a man.
That is why we are so excited about the upcoming event at the Performing Arts Center in New Albany on Christmas Eve. I hope you will decide to join us.
It's not just the story of Christ's journey on this earth. It's the story of everyone's journey to, or away from, the Savior. We all have a monumental choice to make—to take a step toward Jesus or away from Him. The wise men made that step; the shepherds made that step; Mary and Joseph made that step. And men, women and children throughout history have been making that step.
Will you take that step? If you would like to do that please leave a comment and I would be happy to touch base with you to talk.
Join Emerge at the Performing Arts Center in New Albany as we Rock the Season in celebration of the birth of our Savior. You won't want to miss this highly anticipated night of worship.
Visit www.emergecolumbus.com for more information.
Merry Christmas!
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