Well, here we are (again)…
We find ourselves knocking at the door of a brand new year.
It’s usually at this point we find ourselves resolving to do things differently in 2009 from how we did them in 2008. It’s what everyone wants...it’s a clean slate; it’s a fresh start. What is it for you? Is it financial, is it physical, is it a relationship? Put together a plan to make it happen.
Here’s another question to ponder as you set goals (or think about setting goals) for the new year…
How can you help make a difference in the life of someone else? Not only does God have a special plan and purpose for your life; He is equipping you to make a difference in this world. Ask God what you can do to bless others. Ask Him how you can do it. Ask Him to show you who to bless with the gifts, abilities, and talents He has given you. Make an investment that is guaranteed to multiply. Invest in the life of someone else.
That’s it. Resolve to make this year better than last and resolve to help someone else do the same.
Knock. Knock. Knock…are you ready?
What have you resolved to do in 2009? It’s worth thinking about.
Have a Happy New Year! Make 2009 your best yet!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas EVE 2008

Ed Young Jr. wrote the following as his church (Fellowship Church) prepares for Christmas this year...
Christmas is s big deal. That may seem like an obvious statement, but not for the reason many might think. Yes, it's a big deal in our culture—it's the centerpiece of the winter holiday season. Yes, it's a big deal for retailers—it's when they typically go from red to black in their financial forecasts. Yes, it's a big deal for kids—they wait with bated breath for the arrival of Santa and Christmas morning. And yes, it's a big deal for families—when loved ones get to spend lots of quality time together (for better or for worse).
Christmas is the new Easter in the church today. The poinsettia and lily crowd is becoming just the poinsettia crowd. For one reason or another, people who give church just a passing glance all year long will brave the elements and attend a Christmas service. They might get warm fuzzies about “peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” They may have nostalgic memories of attending Christmas services as children and hearing the story of that special baby born in a manger. Whatever the reason, they will come.
My prayer is that, when they do, I will be ready and you will be ready to introduce them to the Savior. When they step into our Christmas services this week, we need to prepare their hearts for Christ to step in and rearrange their lives. That's why it's so important that our message at Christmas doesn't stop with the traditional story of Christmas. You can't talk about the Christmas story without talking about the Easter story. In reality, it's all one message. Christ was born to die. He was destined to step into time and space as a baby so He could walk that long road to the cross as a man.
That is why we are so excited about the upcoming event at the Performing Arts Center in New Albany on Christmas Eve. I hope you will decide to join us.
It's not just the story of Christ's journey on this earth. It's the story of everyone's journey to, or away from, the Savior. We all have a monumental choice to make—to take a step toward Jesus or away from Him. The wise men made that step; the shepherds made that step; Mary and Joseph made that step. And men, women and children throughout history have been making that step.
Will you take that step? If you would like to do that please leave a comment and I would be happy to touch base with you to talk.
Join Emerge at the Performing Arts Center in New Albany as we Rock the Season in celebration of the birth of our Savior. You won't want to miss this highly anticipated night of worship.
Visit www.emergecolumbus.com for more information.
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
twas the nightmare before christmas...
Here is a poem the creative team (Chris, Tommy, Brian, and Chris) at Jersey wrote a couple of years ago in preparation for a Christmas message series.
Twas the nightmare before Christmas, and all through the house
Everyone is screaming, yes, even your spouse
Uncle Fred in the corner with his evil stare
While Aunt Georgia eats fruitcake without a care
The children are fighting and banging their heads
With screaming of newborns who haven’t been fed
And mamma in her kitchen has just burnt the meal
I may just start running for her wrath I may feel
When out on the lawn there rose such a noise
I could barely hear it but recognized the voice
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the shutters and stepped on the cat
The moon shone down on the newly fallen snow
A large someone lying there who we did not know
When what to my wandering eyes should appear
It was just Uncle Steve wearing on his face a dreadful sneer
He must have fallen and hurt himself plenty
Seems Uncle Steve had thrown back one too many
I ran to help him and was met at the door
By a small group of carolers singing for the poor
I had no time for song, for the poor, or for cheer
I needed only to get Uncle Steve into the clear
And when on the lawn I was met by red and blue lights
Twas the police who had heard of our house full of fights
With tears in my eyes and no hope in sight
I fell to my knees prayed with all might
“Oh Jesus, my want is to leave this behind”
“Take my heart, take my soul, and please calm my mind”
Twas as if all my worries were no longer a care
And yet with my opening eyes I would share
None of my circumstances had really changed
It was just how I saw them, they are now rearranged
This Christmas will be different and not just for me
But to all who come to Jesus and receive what is free
Twas a nightmare before Christmas before He saved my life
And now He is waiting to be a part of your life.
Seek Him and it is Jesus you’ll find
And then it will be a Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.
Twas the nightmare before Christmas, and all through the house
Everyone is screaming, yes, even your spouse
Uncle Fred in the corner with his evil stare
While Aunt Georgia eats fruitcake without a care
The children are fighting and banging their heads
With screaming of newborns who haven’t been fed
And mamma in her kitchen has just burnt the meal
I may just start running for her wrath I may feel
When out on the lawn there rose such a noise
I could barely hear it but recognized the voice
Away to the window I flew like a flash
Tore open the shutters and stepped on the cat
The moon shone down on the newly fallen snow
A large someone lying there who we did not know
When what to my wandering eyes should appear
It was just Uncle Steve wearing on his face a dreadful sneer
He must have fallen and hurt himself plenty
Seems Uncle Steve had thrown back one too many
I ran to help him and was met at the door
By a small group of carolers singing for the poor
I had no time for song, for the poor, or for cheer
I needed only to get Uncle Steve into the clear
And when on the lawn I was met by red and blue lights
Twas the police who had heard of our house full of fights
With tears in my eyes and no hope in sight
I fell to my knees prayed with all might
“Oh Jesus, my want is to leave this behind”
“Take my heart, take my soul, and please calm my mind”
Twas as if all my worries were no longer a care
And yet with my opening eyes I would share
None of my circumstances had really changed
It was just how I saw them, they are now rearranged
This Christmas will be different and not just for me
But to all who come to Jesus and receive what is free
Twas a nightmare before Christmas before He saved my life
And now He is waiting to be a part of your life.
Seek Him and it is Jesus you’ll find
And then it will be a Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.
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